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WG1 – Historical approach to Iberian comics’ cultural heritage

WG1 focuses on improving historiographical tools about Iberian comics as visual culture, comparing different histories of comics in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America for the period 1900-1980s.

In order to undertake this line of research focused on the methodological study of this period, WG1 has three main areas of interest: 1) comics during periods of social upheaval; 2) female authorship and readership; and, 3) comics in Basque, Catalan and Galician.

To achieve its goals WG1 will organise training schools and webinars on how to use historiographical tools, as well as seminars conferences and exhibitions. For the first grant period, WG1 (in partnership with WG4) will organise an online workshop on Preservation and Heritage of Iberian Comics in the second half of 2021 focusing on special collections in public and private libraries and organisations. Finally, a collective publication provisionally titled “Intermediality, Transmediality and Multimediality in Iberian Comics” – in partnership with WG2 – will be the first major output produced by thus Working Group.