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Virginie Giuliana (Management CommitteeAction Chair)
Clermont Auvergne University (France)
Professor in Hispanic Studies at Clermont Auvergne University and member of the CELIS. PhD in Iberian Studies (Art History and Literature). She specialises in Spanish Visual Arts (painting, comic and cinema) and text-image relationships. Her research focuses on comics and the contemporary Spanish novel, intermediality, transmediality and relationships between comics and museums.

Viviane Alary (Management Committee, Grant Holder Scientific Representative)
Clermont Auvergne University (France)
French Hispanist and Director of the research team «Ecritures et Interactions Sociales» (EIS) at the Centre de Recherche sur les Littératures et la Sociopoétique (CELIS) of the Université Clermont Auvergne. Her research focuses on comics and the contemporary Spanish novel.

Jesús Jiménez Varea (Management Committee, Vice-Chair)
University of Seville (Spain)
Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Advertising at the Universidad de Sevilla. His areas of expertise are the intersections of popular culture, ideology, narrative, and visual studies, particularly comics, along with genres like humor, horror, and superheroes across media. He is co-MR of the Research Project ‘Interactions between Cognitive Values and Aesthetic Properties in Contemporary Seriality’ (RTI2018-096596-B-I00) and leads EIKON (Research Team on Image and Visual Culture in the Field of Audiovisual Communication).

Antonio Lázaro-Reboll (Management Committee, Science Communication Coordinator)
University of Kent (UK)
Reader in Hispanic Studies at the University of Kent. His research interests are in Spanish cultural studies, film studies, and Spanish comics cultures, with a particular focus on the cross-cultural dialogue between Spain and other territories.

Athena Alchazidu
Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic)
Associate Professor at the Language Centre, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.  She holds a PhD degree in Romance and her main fields of specialisation are linked to literary, cultural and translation studies, as well as to teaching Spanish as a second language. She also offers specialised courses focused on presentation and communication skills, translation and interpreting. She is a translator of literary texts from Spanish and English.


Hugo Almeida
NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Post-doctoral researcher at the Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT), with a PhD in Molecular Biology. His current research focuses on science in visual culture, comics, and the Anthropocene. Under the pen name Mao, he is a member of the artists collective and label MASSACRE, with whom he organizes exhibitions and publishes various forms of printed matter, including comics.

Cristina Álvares
Minho University (Portugal)
Associate Professor of French Literature at the University of Minho. Holder of a PhD in medieval narrative literature (the gaze in the courtly roman, 1180-1250).
She has recently published several articles about Tintin and Spirou in Revue Romane, Cincinnati Romance Revue, Synergies Espagne and Carnets.

Anabela Marisa Azul
University of Coimbra (Portugal)
Biologist, PhD in Ecology, Principal Investigator at the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. She has additional training in science communication and narrative medicine. She is interested in comics as research practice, namely using comics as an interdisciplinary approach in communication and education, including the co-production processes, the multimodality in engagement and the expressive modes of visual languages. She is co-author of comics and comics research in communication and education.

Eduard Baile López
University of Alicante (Spain)
PhD in Catalan Philology and he is a teacher in the Department of Catalan Philology at the University of Alicante, where he is also the director’s of Aula de Cómic.

Roberto Bartual
Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)
Research areas: Language of comics (semiotics), iberian comics, psychedelic comics. Books: Narraciones gráficas, La secuencia gráfica, Jack Kirby Una Odisea Psicodélica. Collective volumes: Abstraction and Comics, On The Edge of the Panel, Lenguajes Gráfico-Narrativos. His main interests as a researcher are the origins of comics, representation of movement in comics, metonymy and metaphor as linking mechanisms between panels, experimental comics, occulture and psychedelic theory. As a fiction writer, he has written Los Ángeles de María (graphic novel, art by Julián Almazán), Blitzkrieg! (novel) and Díptico Espiritista (novel).

Tatiana Blanco-Cordón
University of Granada (Spain)
Assistant Professor in the Department of French Philology at the University of Granada. PhD in Hispanic Studies from the University of Clermont-Auvergne and PhD in Language and Literature Didactics from the University of Malaga. Her line of research focuses on the study of comics and other means of graphic expression. The main axes of her analysis are the Franco-Belgian comic, the Spanish comic strip, the didactic application of comics and the production of contemporary female comic authors, favouring the study of autobiography, the analysis of interaction, memory and interculturality.

Xosé P. Boán
University of Limerick (Ireland)
Xosé P. Boán is an Assistant Professor in Iberian Studies and European Studies BA Course Director at the University of Limerick (Ireland). His research interests comprise narratives of memory, crises, masculinities and violence, migration studies and Iberism, with a focus on film, essay and comic.
He has published on graphic narratives with the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, Studies in Comics and Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies.

Donata Bocullo
Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
PhD Student. Holds a bachelor’s degree Art history (2009-2013) and Public communication (2010-2013), a master’s degree in Marketing (2014-2016) and currently working on PhD thesis in Political science (2016-). Her fields of scientific interests are: film tourism, place marketing, place image formation and communication, European identity studies, visual communication, intercultural communication, new media, film and media literacy. Since 2015 she worked in cultural institutions (Kaunas city chamber theatre, M. K. Čiurlionis National Art Museum, Kaunas city museum). Since 2017 she is working as a lecturer at VMU where she tries to combine both theoretical and practical approach to cultural communication. She also worked with UNESCO project on media literacy (2018, MIL conference at VMU) and film and media literacy (FAME), she is currently working on IREX project “Building Capacity for Evidence-Informed Media Literacy and Inclusive Citizenship in Times of Disinfodemic”

Onorina Botezat 
Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University Bucharest (Romania)
Director of the Center for Linguistic and Intercultural Research and Associate Professor Ph.D. at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Editor in Chief of the Annals of “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University Linguistics, Literature, and Methodology of Teaching and reviewer for many international journals. Her main fields of interest and research are Imagological, Literary and Cultural Studies, Visual Cultures, and Legal Terminology. Her last books are Mapping Cultural Identities and Intersections: Imagological Readings (2019) and Écrivains roumains d’expression étrangère/ Romanian Authors Writing in Foreign Tongues (2021).

Joanne Britland
Framingham State University (USA)
Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Framingham State University (Framingham, MA). She specializes in twentieth and twenty-first century Iberian literature, film, and cultural studies. Her current book project analyzes cultural responses to social, political, and economic crises in Spain from the financial crash of 2008 to the COVID-19 pandemic. She is also co-editing a volume on contemporary Spanish graphic narrative.

Jessica Burton
Luxembourg University (Luxembourg)
PhD researcher at the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) in Luxembourg, working on the PopKult60 project, and analysing the relationship between American and European comics in the 1960s. She specialises in Comics Studies, and obtained her Masters in the subject from the University of Dundee in 2014.

Giorgio Busi Rizzi
Ghent University (Belgium)
BOF post-doctoral researcher, holds a PhD in Literary Studies from the Universities of Bologna and Leuven. His PhD thesis explored nostalgia in a transnational corpus of graphic novels. His current research focuses on digital comics that try to leverage the affordances of their medium.

Laura Caraballo
Clermont Auvergne University (France)
Art historian specialising in Latin American comics, more precisely the work of Alberto Breccia and contemporary Argentinean comics. She has worked as a teacher, researcher and curator in France and Argentina. She currently teaches at Bordeaux Montaigne University, at the ELISAVA Barcelona design school and at Clermont-Auvergne University. At this institution, she is developing a post-doctoral research project under the direction of Professor Viviane Alary, on the role of visual communication (specifically comics) in reducing the vulnerability of populations particularly exposed to risks and natural disasters.

Diana Castilleja
Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles (Belgium)
PhD in Hispanic studies from the Sorbonne University. She holds a degree in Communication at the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) and a master’s degree in Literature at the Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico). Professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature, president of the Asociación de Hispanistas del Benelux (AHBx). Her research deals with autofiction, comics, essay, intermediality and migration.

Jorge Catalá Carrasco
Newcastle University (UK)
Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at Newcastle University. At the University of Valencia he graduated in Hispanic Philology and English Philology. His research areas include cultural studies, popular culture and cultural history in periods of crisis, with a focus on comics in Spain and Latin America.

Adriana Churampi Ramírez
Leiden University (Netherlands)
PhD in Latin American Literature from Leiden University where she works as an assistant professor. Her research concentrates on analyzing strategies of identity construction of indigenous protagonists in Andean novels. The same procedure is applied to the representation of Andean communities in urban areas and also globally. The visibility of the Andean collective in popular culture is also part of her work. As a senior lecturer of Cultural Analysis in Latin American Studies, she has introduced the study of comics in the context of explaining the dynamics of the construction and representation of otherness. For her specific research area she has chosen European graphic material that includes representations of Latin America, its inhabitants and scenarios and has written numerous publications on this subject.

Esther Claudio
University of California (USA) / University of León (Spain)
PhD student. Organiser of the First Congress on Graphic Novels and Comics (9-12 November 2011), co-editor of On the Edge of the Panel: Essays on Comics Criticism (2015), part of the editorial team of CuCo: Cuadernos de Cómic, Studies in Comics, and the UCLA academic journal, Mester. She has published in several edited volumes. Her research interests include historical memory, urban narratives, experimental comics – especially plurilinear reading – identity politics, social justice, and feminism.

Katiuscia Darici
University of Turin (Italy)
Lecturer in Spanish Literature and Catalan Language and Literature at the University of Turin. She holds a Ph.D. in Foreign Literatures and Literary Studies from the University of Verona and in Humanities from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. Since 2020 she is member of the International Research Projects Glocal Perspectives in Iberian Studies and COVID-19 LiTraPan – Literary Training via ICT for High Education Improvement, Behavioral Coaching and Discomfort Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Her academic interests focus on Iberian Studies as well as Contemporary Literature in Spanish and Catalan. She authored the books “La piel fría” de Albert Sánchez Piñol: una novela “in limine” (2020) and Traslaciones. Identidades híbridas en las literaturas ibéricas (2021). She has published articles or book chapters on Iberian Studies in Italy, Eduardo Mendoza, Albert Sánchez Piñol, Najat El Hachmi, Andrés Neuman, among others. Also, about Augmented Reality applied to Graphic Novel. Between 2012 and 2017 she was part of the “Laboratorio per lo Studio Letterario del fumetto” [Workshop for the Literary Study of Comics] of the University “Ca’ Foscari” of Venice and, during that period, she co-organized the International Congress Capitán España.Historieta o Cómic: biografía de la narración gráfica en España, that took place in Venice in March 2014 and which gave life to the book Historieta o Cómic. Biografía de la narración gráfica en España (2017).

Diego Espina Barros
Saint Xavier University, Chicago (USA)
He completed a Master’s of Arts in Spanish from Western Michigan University focused on Latin American Literature and continued his multidisciplinary studies with a Doctorate in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. His doctoral dissertation analyzes how ‘nonfiction’ narratives on contemporary graphic novels from both sides of the Atlantic contribute to the construction of the collective memory in their respective societies. His scholarly work is focused in novel, graphic novel and film with an interest in the representation of social and political violence in order to study the influence of our traumatic past in the creation of our cultural identities in contemporary Iberia.

Sébastien Farré
University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Executive director of the Maison de l’histoire at the University of Geneva and co-director of the Histoire et Cité Festival. His work focuses on the history of humanitarianism, contemporary Spain and immigration to Switzerland.

Florica Faur
Vasile Goldis Western University (Romania)
Provided with a Bachelor’s degree, in which she had extensive course of philology as a Romanian -French specialization, she was permitted to accomplish the career of an Educator in a Romanian University.

David García-Reyes
UNED (Spain)
Postdoctoral Researcher at UNED (National Distance Learning University). PhD in Literature (UdeC/UGR), Master in Applied Research to Mass Media (UC3M) and graduated in Art History (UCM). His research focuses on the field of cultural studies, with research interests on comics, arts, literature and cinema in Iberoamerica.

Inés González Cabeza
University of León (Spain)
PhD in Hispanic Studies from the Universidad de León (Spain). Her thesis La patografía gráfica: definición, análisis y exponentes en España (2021) focuses on the visual metaphors present in contemporary graphic illness narratives published in Spain. She is the author of Imágenes de la enfermedad en el cómic actual (2017) and her research on graphic pathography and graphic memoir has been published in several edited volumes and academic journals. She teaches an online module on visual metaphors in the Master’s Degree in Graphic Medicine at the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (Spain).

Julio Gracia Lana
University of La Rioja (Spain)
Lecturer and holds a PhD in Art History Intermedialidad en el cómic adulto en España. He has published on the history of comics and their links with other forms of expression in magazines such as ArtigramaCon A de animaciónLatente or Zer. He is the author of the book Las revistas como escuela de vida (2019, U. de León & EOLAS Ediciones) and has been one of the coordinators of works such as Nuevas visiones sobre el cómic (2018, U. de Zaragoza) and Dibujando historias (2021, U. de Zaragoza).

Barbara Greco
University of Turin (Italy)
Associate professor of Spanish Literature in the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures of the University of Turin, with a PhD in Spanish Literature (University of Pisa, 2013). Editorial member of the ‘Bibliotheca Iberica’ collection, she has participated in the international research projects Glocal Perspectives in Iberian Studies (since 2015) and COVID-19 LiTraPan – Literary Training via ICT for High Education Improvement, Behavioral Coaching and Discomfort Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic (since 2020), with articles on the comic ConviVIenDo 19 días by David Ramírez and Julio Llamazares’ illustrated diary Primavera Eextremeña (in press). She is the author of three monographs on Max Aub, J. A. Goytisolo and E. Jardiel Poncela and articles on the works of José María Merino, María Teresa León, Julio Llamazares, la Fura del Baus, Galdós, Cervantes. Her research interests include contemporary Spanish literature, humour, apocryphal experiments and hybrid writing forms.

Arūnas Gudinavičius
Vilnius university (Lithuania)
Associate professor at the Department of Digital Cultures and Communication at Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University. Also, he is managing director at the Vilnius University Press.

Laura Nallely Hernández Nieto
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM, Mexico)
PhD in Art History from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Her research focuses on Mexican comic. She is chair of the Comic Art Working Group in the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).

Jacobo Hernando Morejón
University of Málaga (Spain)
PhD in History from the University of Malaga. His main line of research in his thesis is the use of Spanish history through comics from 1940 to the present. He has defended his research in some twenty international academic forums linked or not to the field of study of comics. He is the author of the book Catálogo de la historia de España a través del cómic (1940-2018) along with other contributions in collective volumes dealing with various aspects of medieval and modern history in comics.

Mihai Iacob
Bucarest University (Romania)
Professor in the Department of Romance, Classical and Modern Greek Languages and Literatures at the University of Bucharest, where he teaches Visual and Verbovisual Narration (paintings, miniatures, comics), Rhetoric, Postmodern Spanish Narrative, Intersemiotic Translation: Film Adaptation, and Translation Resources in Paratextual Zones.

Vinicius Jacques
Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (São José, Brazil)
Professor of Physics at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (São José, Brazil). Co-author of comics that communicate notions of science. Master in Scientific and Technological Education. PhD student in the same area, having as research object comics from the 1950s about the popularization of nuclear energy.

Jakub Jankowski
University of Warsaw (Poland)
Assistant professor at the Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies at the University of Warsaw, comic book translator (from Spanish, Portuguese, English), member of the Polish Comic Book Association. Currently working in three major fields: 1) Theory and practice of translating comic books from Portuguese, Spanish and English; 2) Comic book as a didactic tool (from translation exercises to classroom use); 3) Socio-political problems in the PALOP countries and their reflection in artistic production (comic books, satirical drawings, films).

Catherine Kanellopoulou
Freelance educator, author, researcher and EFL book editor. She holds a BA in English Literature from the University of Athens (UoA), and an MSc in Transportation Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

Deirdre Kelly
Technological University Dublin (Ireland)
Lecturer in Spanish at Technological University Dublin and holds a PhD in Hispanic Studies from Trinity College Dublin. Her research areas include: twentieth- and twenty-first-century Spanish literary, visual and cultural studies; Rosa Montero and other contemporary Spanish authors; Spanish women’s writing; Spanish life writing; memory debates in contemporary Spain; Spain and the Holocaust. She is currently completing a monograph on Rosa Montero’s life writing. She is also working on a research project that focuses on the representation in contemporary graphic novels of Spanish Republicans in Nazi concentration camps. Deirdre is the co-editor of the Open Forum of the International Journal of Iberian Studies and the Communications Officer for the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies.

Daniela Kuschel
University of Mannheim (Germany)
Academic Staff Member at the Department of Romance Studies: Literature and Media. PhD on the representation of the Spanish Civil War in popular media culture (Spanischer Bürgerkrieg goes Pop, transcript 2019).

Neus Lagunas
NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Neus Lagunas works as a specialist in ELE and is a lecturer at the FCSH of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She has taught at a variety of Portuguese schools and has produced various didactic material (in the Azulejo magazine for the ELE classroom, a publication of the Department of Education of the Spanish Embassy in Portugal and in the manuals for Portuguese secondary education, Mochila, from the Santillana publishing house). Among her training and research interests are the didactic potential of written and audiovisual texts, the graphic novel as a pedagogical resource, and the creation of learning materials in accordance with the principles of critical pedagogy and education for citizenship.

Anne Magnussen
University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
Associate Professor at the Department of History, University of Southern Denmark and holds a PhD degree from University of Copenhagen (2001). A considerable part of Magnussen’s research is centered on Spanish and Latin American comics in the 20th and 21st centuries, including her PhD about Spanish comics 1970s-1990s.


Nicoletta Mandolini
Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Researcher in the area of Cultural and Media Studies. Her main research interest is the study of representations of gender violence and other forms of gender-based discrimination. She is currently FCT Researcher at CECS – Universidade do Minho, where she is working on the project Sketch Her Story and Make It Popular: Using Graphic Narratives in Lusophone and Italian Feminist Activism against Gender Violence ( She previously worked as an FWO postdoctoral fellow at KU Leuven (Belgium). She owns a PhD from University College Cork (Ireland). Her doctoral project, funded by the IRC (Irish Research Council), focussed on the analysis of journalistic and literary portrayal of femicide in the Italian context and it resulted in the publication of the monograph Representations of Lethal Gender-Based Violence in Italy between Journalism and Literature: Femminicidio Narratives (Routledge 2021). She has published her research findings in top-ranked international journals in the area of Modern Languages, Italian, Gender, Comics and Communication Studies. She is a member of the CASILAC research cluster on Violence, Conflict and Gender, which she co-convened from 2016 to 2019 and she is a founding member of the research group on Italian comics SnIF – Studying’n’Investigating Fumetti ( and coordinates the WGAS.

María J. Márquez López
She is a journalist and she specializes in the audiovisual field: Master in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary (UAB) and Master in Film Scripting (UIMP). She holds a doctorate cum laude with an International Mention in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (URJC) focusing her thesis on emerging women Spanish comic authors with production between 2010 and 2020. Her research areas are Cultural Studies and Gender Studies. Currently she is a professor in the Journalism Degree at the Rey Juan Carlos University. She has published in indexed journals and coordinates the WGAS with Nicoletta Mandolini.

Santiago Martín
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
He studied Spanish Philology and Literature at the Faculty of Arts of the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. In the decade of the ninenties he worked in Tarazona (nearby Zaragoza, Spain) in the “Translators’ House” together with the poet and translator Francisco Javier Úriz.

Carolina Martins
University of Coimbra (Portugal)
Currently finishing a PhD thesis on the perspectives of spatiality in graphic narrative installations, which focus on the potential of architectonic spaces as narration agents through interactional dynamics with other spaces. She expresses herself through installation, photography and graphic narrative. She is also a producer in the field of performative arts and cinema.

Elena Masarah Revuelta
University of Zaragoza (Spain)
(Zaragoza, Spain, 1984) has got a University Degree in History, Master’s Degree in Contemporary History and is doctoral student in Modern and Contemporary History Deparment at University of Zaragoza, with a PhD Thesis in progress about History, Francoism’s memory and comics in Spain during 20th and 21st centuries. She teaches in Master’s programme Comics and Education at University of Valencia and she teaches in Education Department at European University of Madrid. She has published her work in scholarly journals, participated in National and Internacional Conferences and gave lectures and workshops related to History and memory, as well as Women History, genre and feminisms. She is the editor of Filanderas. Revista Interdisciplinar de Estudios Feministas at University of Zaragoza.

Rhiannon McGlade
Robinson College / University of Cambridge (UK)
Fellow in Spanish and Catalan at Robinson College and Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Cambridge. With a PhD in Hispanic Studies (University of Sheffield, 2013), Dr McGlade’s current research considers humour and identity politics in visual print media as well as literature, theatre, film and the press within a Hispanic context. She has published and presented broadly on these themes, including her book, Catalan Cartoons: A cultural and political history (University of Wales Press, 2016).  

Olga Michael
University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cyprus. Her research interests include refugee and migration comics, and the representation of human rights violations, trauma and gendered violence in contemporary graphic life narratives.

David Miranda Barreiro
Bangor University (Wales)
Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at Bangor University. His research focuses on cultural representations of mobility (migration, exile, travel), and on graphic biographies, in both Galicia and Spain.

Lucía Miranda-Morla
Université Clermont Auvergne / Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
As a member of the European Project “Love for Livres”, she is now working on bibliotherapy, specializing in comics. MA in Intercultural Studies from Dublin City University; Advanced Research Diploma in Linguistics and Literature Theory from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Translator (English-French-Galician-Spanish); she was a research assistant in Université Rennes 2 where she taught geo-politics and translation; she has published her work on comic art in scholarly journals (Amerika) and in volumes such as Autobio-graphismes : Bande dessinée et représentation de soi (2015) and Lignes de front. Guerres et totalitarismes dans la bande dessinée (2011) among others; her doctoral research is focused on geoliterature and the representation of the city in Brazilian, French, Portuguese, Spanish and USA graphic novels.

Sebastián Miras
University of Alicante (Spain)
PhD in Literary Studies and Lecturer in Didactics of Spanish Language and Literature at the University of Alicante. His current research focuses on graphic narratives dedicated to literary authors and hispanic american picture books. Member of Asociación Unicómic (Universidad de Alicante) and Aula de Cómic (Universidad de Alicante).

Benoît Mitaine
University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3 (France)
Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish at the University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3. He co-edited Autobio-graphismes: bande dessinée et représentation de soi (2015); Comics and Adaptation (2018) and Scoops en stock. Journalisme graphique et BD-reportage (2021).

Agatha Mohring
University of Angers (France)
Associate professor in the University of Angers, in France. She holds the agrégation and a doctorate in Hispanic and Hispanic American Studies from the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès.

Beatriz Moriano
NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal)
PhD in Spanish Language Teaching through literary texts from an intercultural perspective, collaborator at TEALS (Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies), a research group integrated in CETAPS (Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies). Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Spanish Literature, Translation Practice and Teacher Education at NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH). Research interests include extensive reading, intercultural education, critical literacy, action research and materials development.

Angela Moro
Pisa University (Italy)
PhD Candidate in Spanish Literature at Pisa University. Her thesis investigates the forms of representation of space in the short fiction of Max Aub (Paris, 1903 – Mexico City, 1972) and Ramón J. Sender (Huesca, Aragón, 1901 – San Diego, California, 1982). She is member of the GEXEL (Grupo de Estudios del Exilio Republicano) based in the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her research interests embrace the multiple ways of depicting how Spain tackles the trauma of war and exile in its recent past.

Javier Muñoz-Basols
Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) – University of Oxford (UK)
Distinguished Senior Researcher at the Universidad de Sevilla and Honorary Faculty Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. He co-edited The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies (Routledge, 2017), and has co-authored the article “Social Criticism through Humour in the Digital Age: Multimodal Extension in the Works of Aleix Saló” (European Comic Art), and the book chapters: “Translation of Hispanic Comics and Graphic Novels” (2019), and “Human Memory and the Act of Remembering in Contemporary Iberian Graphic Novels” (2017).

Olga Nowak
Gdansk University (Poland)
PhD in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature from the Pedagogical University (Krakow), where, in 2015, she defended the thesis: Generation X from a woman’s perspective. Authors and their literary creation during the last decade of the 20th century. Her academic production addresses various aspects of the literary creation of Spanish narrators belonging to the so-called Generation X, the writing of women, as well as the problems surrounding historical memory (memory and post-memory) in Spanish comics.

Veronica Orazi
Turin University (Italy)
Professor of Spanish Literature and Catalan Language and Literature at the University of Turin and has been Visiting Professor at the Universities of Barcelona, Alicante and Leipzig. PhD in Ibero-Romanic Philology (1996). She has taught at the Universities of Venice, Bologna and Siena.
She is Editorial Director of the Rivista Italiana di Studi Catalani, member of the Editorial Committee of the journals eHumanista, Llengua&Literatura and Cuadernos AISPI. Estudios de lenguas y literaturas hispánicas, and co-director of the “Bibliotheca Iberica” collection.
She is a member of the Center for Catalan Studies (University of California Santa Barbara) and a corresponding member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans de Barcelona. Since 2015, she has directed the international research project Glocal Perspectives in Iberian Studies and since 2020 she has co-directed the international research project COVID-19 LiTraPan – Literary Training via ICT for High Education Improvement, Behavioral Coaching and Discomfort Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Genç Osman İlhan
Yildiz Technical University (Turkey)
Associate professor at Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Education, Social Studies Education. He studied in Texas Tech University as a visiting scholar in 2015-2016. He has received his PhD in Social Studies Education, on speciality in comics in education. He has studies in comics and digital comics design and use in education. He has opened and been coordinating undergraduate and graduate courses on comics in education since 2009. Also, he has completed a teacher education national project on comics, values and environment education. He has expertise in digital comics programme Pixton and other digital tools. He has various research in national and international issues on comics use as a learning/teaching tool in education.

Fernando José Pancorbo
University of Basel (Switzerland)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Swiss National Science Foundation and the University of Basel. PhD in Philosophy, specializing in Sephardi Literature and History, and Digital Humanities. In parallel, he has worked on iconography and rhetoric of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Among others, he has been the organizer of the first International Conference on Comics and Graphic Novels at the University of Basel (Switzerland, 2018), in collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Switzerland.  

Mariano Paz
University of Limerick (Republic of Ireland)
Lecturer in Spanish and Subject Head for Spanish at the School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland. He holds a BA in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and a PhD in Screen Studies from the University of Manchester (UK).

Pepo Pérez
University of Málaga (Spain)
Cartoonist and Associate Professor of Drawing in the Department of Art and Architecture at the University of Málaga, PhD in Fine Arts. His research has focused on comics and, in particular, digital comics and the representation of memory in visual arts and comics.

Miguel Ángel Pérez-Gómez (Media Manager)
Seville University (Spain)
Lecturer, Department of Media and Advertising (Universidad de Sevilla). His research focuses on different aspects of participative culture, fandom, cinema, spanish popular culture or comics. He is a researcher in ADMIRA (Research team on Analysis of Media, Images and Audiovisual Stories in its History for Social Change). He has done extensive work to disseminate the comic from media such as Rockdelux or Entrecomics , as well as from his weblog El lector bicéfalo.

Michaela Pexová
She graduated from high school in the field of Library and Information Systems and Services, where she specialized in working with comics in libraries. She transferred her experience to the field of museum pedagogy, where she worked as a guide and teaching assistant at the Hussite Museum in Tábor and then as an external lecturer at the National Museum in Prague.

Margarida Esperança Pina
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
Assistant Professor at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of Universidade Nova de Lisboa where she has been teaching in the areas of Literary Studies and Translation. She is a Phd member of IELT/NOVA and CEAUL- Universidade de Lisboa. The main areas of interest focus on French Literature and Literature and other arts (Literature and Science/Medical Humanities/ Food Studies). Some publications: Saber e Sabor Medieval, Lisboa, Caleidoscópio (2010), (Re)lire Albert Camus. Etudes Interdisciplinaires, Paris, Editions Le Manuscrit (2016); Diálogo e Ciência. Limite. Revista de Estudios Portugueses y de la Lusofonía. (2017).
“Vinho e Medicina no Renascimento: uma (re)leitura do património cultural”, in Y cantó el alma del vino. Ensayos sobre literatura, historia, identidade y património (2021).

David Pinho Barros
University of Porto (Portugal)
Assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto. Researcher and curator in the fields of literature, film and comics. Since 2008, he has worked as a curator and producer of exhibitions and film events in Portugal, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Brazil, and taught film and comics history and analysis at the Alliance Française, at the University of Porto, at the University of Minho, at the New University of Lisbon, and at the Catholic University of Portugal.

Álvaro Pons
Valencia University (Spain)
Associate Professor at the University of Valencia. He has done extensive work to disseminate comics from media such as El País, Cartelera Turia or Levante, as well as from his weblog La Cárcel de Papel.

Magda Potok
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)
Professor in Spanish Literature, Head of the Department of Spanish Studies at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures. She specializes in twentieth and twenty-first century Spanish fiction. Her research interests include translation, gender studies, cultural studies, sociology of literature.  Head of the Research Group CALITHI (Literatura y capitalismo en las culturas hispanohablantes), member of the Research  Group GENIA (Género, identidad y discurso en España y América Latina). In 2010 she published the book  El malestar. La narrativa de mujeres en la España contemporánea and in 2016 the book Współczesna proza hiszpańska. Studia [Contemporary Spanish prose. Studies].

Lisa Maya Quaianni Manuzzato
Master’s degree cum laude in Performing Arts, Cinema, and Multimedia Communications (Università degli Studi di Milano, 2010) with a dissertation on History of Animation. She is Communications Manager at WOW Spazio Fumetto – Museo del Fumetto di Milano, where she has led exhibitions and events related to Japanese Culture and DIY comics. Member of the Editorial Committee for Neuróptica. Estudios sobre el cómic, she collaborates to the comics critic website Lo Spazio Bianco.

João Ramalho-Santos
University of Coimbra (Portugal)
Full professor at the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. He has additional training in bioethics and narrative medicine. He teaches and researches Development, Reproduction, Bioethics, Biomedicine and Science Communication. He writes about comics in “JL-Jornal de Letras, Artes & Ideias”, and he is the co-author of several comic books or comic book-related works (both fiction and analysis), as well as comics for scientific dissemination in partnership with the newspaper “PÚBLICO” or with the national agency for science outreach “Ciência Viva”.

Judite Rodrigues
University of Burgundy (France)
PhD from the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and is currently Associate professor in the Department of Hispanic Studies at the University of Burgundy. She is a member of the TIL-EA 4182 laboratory where she conducts her research in the “Image&Criticism” team. After a PhD dedicated to the work of the Spanish-Mexican poet Tomás Segovia (L’écriture poétique de T.Segovia: les possibilités du nomadisme, 2014), she has developed her main lines of research in the study of poetry, graphic literature and illustration in the Hispanic area. Latest publication: Benoit Mitaine, Isabelle Touton, Judite Rodrigues. Scoops en stock. Journalisme dessiné, BD-Reportage et dessin de presse, Georg, 2021.

José Rovira-Collado
University of Alicante (Spain)
PhD in Educational innovation. Teacher in Didactics of Spanish Language and Literature and Coordinator of Unicómic in the University of Alicante (DIFD).

Francisco Sáez de Adana
University of Alcalá (Spain)
Professor at the University of Alcalá and Director of the ECC-UAH Chair of Comic Research and Culture. He is part of the direction of the journal CuCo. Cuadernos de Cómic. He is also a member of the Editorial Committee of the journals Tebeosfera, Studies in Comics and Sequentials and of the Advisory Committee of Neuróptica.

Elena Sánchez-López
University of Alicante (Spain)
Translator, Associate Professor in the Department of Catalan Studies at the University of Alicante, Degree in Translation and Interpreting, PhD in Catalan Studies. Teaching Translation (English-German-Catalan) since 2010. Her research interests are interdisciplinary and include corpus linguistics, cognitive semantics, phraseology and translation. Currently delving into the role of multimodality in the translation process.

Ana Matilde Sousa
University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Visual artist and scholar from Lisbon, where she lives and works. In 2012, she co-founded the Portuguese zine label Clube do Inferno, and began to put out her comics under the pseudonym Hetamoé.

Carla Suarez Vega
University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA)
Ph.D. candidate (ABD) in the Spanish and Portuguese Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her research interests revolve around Spanish cultural studies, queer theory and graphic narratives, with a focus on queer subjectivities and practices within contemporary Spanish comics, literature, and film. At the moment she is writing her Ph.D. dissertation entitled: “Transición precaria: resistencia cultural e intervención queer en la Transición española (1973-1986)”

Joe Sutliff Sanders
University of Cambridge (UK)
Associate Professor of Children’s Literature in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Lucy Cavendish College. He is the author of three monographs (on girls’ fiction, children’s nonfiction, and Batman) and editor or co-editor of three collections (on The Secret Garden, children’s comics, and Hergé). He was the co-host of the conference Comics and the Global South in 2022 and will host the 2023 joint conference of the International Graphic Novel & Comics and the International Bande Dessinée Society in Cambridge.

José Manuel Trabado 
University of León (Spain)
Associate Professor of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature at the University of León. He has published books as Antes de la novela gráfica. Clásicos del cómic en la prensa norteamericana (2012); La novela gráfica. Poéticas y modelos compositivos (2013). He has also edited volumes as Género y conciencia autoral en el cómic español (1970-2018) (2019); Encrucijadas gráfico narrativas. Novela gráfica y álbum ilustrado (2020) y Lenguajes gráfico narrativos. Especificidades, intermedialidades y teorías gráficas (2021).

Bahadir Ucan
Yildiz Technical University (Istanbul, Turkey)
Born in 1990, Istanbul. In 2006, his cartoon book “Çizgili Köyün Kavalcısı” was published. He had his undergraduate education at Marmara University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. He also had his master’s degree in Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Art and Design Interactive Media Design program and his doctorate in Yildiz Technical University Art and Design Department. He studied animation at UCLA Media Design department. He worked as a researcher related to his doctoral thesis at Central Queensland University (Australia).  He was shown as one of Turkey’s most famous artists in the field of digital art in official website of Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S in 04.03.2022. According to Google scholar data, he is the fifth most cited academician for his publications under the label of “caricature”. He has been working as an academician at Yildiz Technical University since 2013.

Eva Van de Wiele
Ghent University (Belgium)
She has published in Cuco, Tebeosfera and reviews comics for Currently, she is working as a PhD student on the ERC project Children in Comics. Her doctoral thesis focuses on seriality and the spread of (inter)national comics in early Italian Corriere dei Piccoli and Spanish TBO.

Gerardo Vilches
Universidad Europea, Madrid (Spain)
PhD in Contemporary History at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia and has completed a doctoral thesis on the politics of the Spanish Transition in the satirical press, published as La satírica transición. Revistas de humor político en España (1975-1982) (Marcial Pons, 2021). He is also the author of Breve historia del cómic (Nowtilus, 2014) and El guión de cómic (Diminuta, 2016). He teaches History at Universidad Europea (Madrid). Co-director of the journal CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic and part of the scientific committee of the journal Neuróptica and International Conferences Estudios Interdisciplinares sobre Cómic (Universidad de Zaragoza) and Unicómic (Universidad de Alicante). He has published various papers in journals as Ayer, Historia del presente, Papeles de cultura contemporánea, European Comic Art or Image and Narrative.

Evripides Zantides
Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)
Professor in Graphic and Visual Communication at the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology. His PhD and research interests are based on theories of semiotics in the visualisation of verbal language, using image, text/typography and sound. He is founder and director at the Semiotics and Visual Communication Research Lab.

Marie-Cécile Charles
Luxembourg national archives

Philippe Marion
Louvain-la-Neuve University

Francesca Crippa
Cattolica del Scaro Cuore University

Jean-Philippe Martin
Comics international city in Angoulême

Daniel Vazquez Tourino
Masaryk University

Matteo Stefanelli
Cattolica del Scaro Cuore University

The Management Committee is supported by Mickael Pero (Science Officer) and Svetlana Voinova (Administrative Officer) at the COST Association in Brussels, Belgium.